That Night I Played Joey Ramone

A month ago, John Plymale asked me if I would be interested in playing Joey Ramone at the Be Loud! Sophie charity show. I’d get to cover the Ramones with Jody, Norwood, and him–all from the legendary southeast rock band the Sex Police. And last night, the show happened. It was incredibly fun.

I have no idea how long the live stream of the show will be up, but if you read this in a timely manner, you can probably see it here.

We ran through the set a total of five times before the performance: four times at a rehearsal space and once during the actual soundcheck. I’m glad we did a run through with wigs and glasses. The jacket and wig made things much hotter than I’m used to. The sunglasses and lights made it almost impossible to see on stage.

The Be Loud! event was a great success. If you haven’t checked out the Be Loud! website to see what the organization is all about, you can access it here.

Gabba Gabba Hey!