Party On

I love playing private parties, especially when there’s a story behind why you were asked to play in the first place. On Saturday, October 15, 2022, Mark Kano and I performed at long time fan (and now friend) Chris’s 50th Birthday Party. His actual birthday happened a year ago I hear, but due to Covid and other scheduling complications, the party didn’t happen until now.

Chris told us before we set up to play in the backyard that the first song he played in his new car, you know, to ring out and christen the system, was “Automatic.” Dang, that’s a real honor right there. Thanks, man.

During the set, I felt compelled to share a short anecdote about the Athenaeum song “Different Situation.” Up until last night, I wasn’t sure if the tale was 100% true, but Mark corroborated the facts. Back in 1995, when the Green CD was making its rounds among A&R reps and the like, Frank Sinatra happened upon “Different Situation” and said it was his favorite Athenaeum song. It turned out that someone in the Athenaeum camp had family who worked closely with Old Blue Eyes and played the song for him. How much he liked the song and whether he was sincere is up for grabs, but the statement is truth, at least for us.

The party was a great time. We played songs from Radiance and Dirty Wake. Much fun was had by all.