Principal Videography Complete

On the weekend of November 17 – 20, we completed principal videography on the forthcoming “Satellites” video. Cold weather, a lack of sleep, and 16 hour days didn’t stop our momentum. I’m excited to see the final product.

The top of a downtown Nashville parking garage provided our first filming location. The video ends with a band performance, and we played the last chorus of the song under a cloudy sky. I don’t know a lot about cinematography, but clouds and mirrored windows made for ideal outdoor lighting.

The Up-Down Arcade allowed us to film in the basement, where we built an arcade set. We also used the upstairs arcade midway, which was filled with vintage arcade games like Golden Axe and Moon Patrol. I particularly enjoyed slipping away to play a few rounds of old games in between camera changes.

Our second day of shooting took us to a castle about an hour outside of Nashville. Our approach on the castle was my favorite shot.

On the evening of the second day, we returned to Up-Down but for shots on the roof. These were the coldest shots of the weekend, but we got some great footage. I flew out on the third day and videography continued for a few pick up shots with other members of the cast.

Who’s in the band? Who’s the director? Who’s the princess? Why is that guy dressed like an orange king? More will be revealed. Stay tuned.