At last, we’ve released “Satellites,” a short film and accompanying single. The entire process, from inception to transmission, took eighteen months. The song first evolved from a fragment that Jonathan Fererri send me to a really good demo recording. “Satellites” begged for an accompanying video, so we embarked on a journey of uncertainty–videos are expensive and difficult to make. Using crowdfunding, calling in favors, and exhausting just about every resource we had, the video turned out better than we imagined it would.

The single is also available on streaming platforms and on my Bandcamp page. Enjoy.

With the “Satellites” video, it seems like we’ve been in the final stretch for a while. We have. We should have the final video and final mix of the song within the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to seeing the final video & I know the song sounds great.

I anticipated having the video and rewards complete by the end of January 2023. After a few delays, a personal bout with COVID, and ensuing winter cold, the finish line is closer. While we wait, I have begun to organize the promised rewards from the Kickstarter campaign. March 2023 is probably a more realistic delivery time for most of the rewards. The EP may take a little longer, but everyone who pledged will get an exclusive first-listen of “Satellites” when it is ready.

One of the rewards we promised was a handwritten lyric sheet of “Satellites.” There were four handwritten sheets and I wrote each in a different color. We have autographed t-shirts ready to go as well as several thank you videos we filmed on location. If you pledged to the campaign, please make sure you’ve updated your mailing address and contact info so that we can deliver your reward.

On the weekend of November 17 – 20, we completed principal videography on the forthcoming “Satellites” video. Cold weather, a lack of sleep, and 16 hour days didn’t stop our momentum. I’m excited to see the final product.

The top of a downtown Nashville parking garage provided our first filming location. The video ends with a band performance, and we played the last chorus of the song under a cloudy sky. I don’t know a lot about cinematography, but clouds and mirrored windows made for ideal outdoor lighting.

The Up-Down Arcade allowed us to film in the basement, where we built an arcade set. We also used the upstairs arcade midway, which was filled with vintage arcade games like Golden Axe and Moon Patrol. I particularly enjoyed slipping away to play a few rounds of old games in between camera changes.

Our second day of shooting took us to a castle about an hour outside of Nashville. Our approach on the castle was my favorite shot.

On the evening of the second day, we returned to Up-Down but for shots on the roof. These were the coldest shots of the weekend, but we got some great footage. I flew out on the third day and videography continued for a few pick up shots with other members of the cast.

Who’s in the band? Who’s the director? Who’s the princess? Why is that guy dressed like an orange king? More will be revealed. Stay tuned.