I hope you’ll join me for my show on StageIt on Saturday, May 1 at 9 pm EDT. I’ll be playing songs about trains and only songs about trains. It’ll be the most fun you can have at an online show that’s only about trains.

As I songwriter, I only have four songs that concern trains. As such, I’ll be doing six or seven cover songs that feature trains.

What are your favorite songs about trains? Please let me know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter. Here is a list of my favorite songs about trains.

Jumping Someone Else’s Train

Originally released as a single near the time The Cure’s debut album, Three Imaginary Boys, was released, “Jumping Someone Else’s Train” was later incorporated into the US repackaged album, Boy’s Don’t Cry. I first heard “Jumping Someone Else’s Train” on the Staring at the Sea double length cassette, which featured early singles and b-sides by The Cure. This cassette was required listening for all seventh graders . . . at least the one’s I hung out with.

Driver 8

If there’s a better song about trains, I haven’t heard it.

Interstate Love Song

Admittedly, this song features only limited train imagery, but I think it still counts.

Train Kept a Rollin’

I’m partial to the Aerosmith version of this classic, originally performed by Tiny Bradshaw and perfected by the Yardbirds.

Manic Monday

OK, so this barely counts, but Ms. Hoffs does sing about having “to catch an early train” in the second verse. Great track. True fact: Prince wrote this song. I particularly like the dark bridge lyrics–somehow they get obscured by the bright production. But that’s one of the many things that makes this song totally awesome.

Broadcast Rig

In the age of quarantine, cover bands, and mega-stars, a show of all new material by a semi-retired singer/songwriter was a hard sell. The opportunity cost of spending a Saturday evening with me is enjoying a better known recreation. But still, we had a good crowd on StageIt.com on Saturday, August 1st for the Semigloss Albatross album release party.

The setlist was Semigloss Albatross in its entirety, plus one of my favorite songs from the early 90s.

My next show will be on Saturday, September 5 at 9 pm EDT on StageIt.com. It’ll be an all cover show, less of a hard sell for sure. Click here for more info.